Harry always has a couple of prawn traps he drops once in a while. The best way to eat them is on the back deck of the Pipe Dream, after he has boiled them for a few minutes in seawater. If there are any left, I have lots of recipes for BC Spot Prawns, and this is one of my favorites..
Two tips for cooking with BC Spot prawns: do not over-season or use in overly spicy dishes, because you’ll over-power the sweet, delicate taste of the prawns, and do not overcook because the prawns will go rubbery really quickly. I tend to throw the prawns into any dish right at the end and only cook for a few minutes.
Enjoy, love Hephzibah.

Prawn Fried Rice Recipe
1 lb Fresh, raw, BC Spot Prawns, de-headed and peeled.
1 cup cooked basmati rice
2 sticks celery, finely chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
1 red bell pepper finely chopped
1 carrot, chopped
3 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup frozen peas
1/2 cup of frozen corn
Seasoning – Roasted Garlic pepper, garlic powder, black pepper
Cook the basmatic rice as per instructions.
In a large frying pan or wok, melt the butter and saute the onion until translucent. Add the celery, carrots, bell pepper and stir fry until the veg has started to soften.
Add seasoning. (I’ve listed our favourites, but you can use whatever you like, but try not to overdo it.
Add the peas and corn, continue cooking until the veg is just about cooked. Add the prawns. Stir until the prawns have lost the translucent appearance nad have firmed up, then add cooked rice. Stir until all the veg, prawns, rice and seasonings are combined. Serve while piping hot.
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