March, 2020
As a global pandemic upends our lives we are groping around for stability. For something certain. No longer are we grumbling about deadlines, the lack of time or the drudgery of everyday life – we are mourning the loss of the familiar.
In the first weeks, I was panicking about money. Like so many, my household’s income flow dried up. I was also worrying about my parents. Stubbornly independent, they seemed unperturbed and committed to carrying on ‘business as usual’. I could hear mutterings about ‘stiff upper lips’ and ‘over-reactions’ when I called (they still haven’t got the hang of speakerphone), and I could sense the ‘eye rolls’ as I lectured them on the defnitions of ‘essential travel’.
As the weeks have progressed my panicking, for the most part has subsided. But I’ve found myself needing a daily ‘comfort’. Binge watching the weird Tiger Man does not offer the kind of distraction I crave.
I want a real break. A defined part of the day that I set aside for pure indulgence. And I’ve found it by dusting off the old British tradition of Afternoon Tea.
“ Everything stopped at four o’clock. My Aunt prepared a pot of tea, no sign of a teabag dunked in a mug, a slice of cake or scone on a plate, and the Archers on the radio….“
I made a batch of scones. As I did, I remembered my Grandmother telling me conspiratorily, her secret for golden brown scones, risen to perfection, a crunch on the outside and fluffly on the inside.
“An extra egg” she winked at me. “Don’t tell Auntie Lil. She can’t work out why my scones are better than hers”
My Auntie Lil and Auntie Fran lived together in a flat in East Ham. They loved routine. Everything stopped at four o’clock. My Aunt prepared a pot of tea, no sign of a teabag dunked in a mug, a slice of cake or scone on a plate, and the Archers on the radio.
I don’t listen to the Archers. But I do sit for a while, away from the news and social media, and constantly checking my emails – and let my mind wander back to a simpler time.
At four o’clock, I step away from the crisis and chaos, and enjoy my afternoon tea.

Scone Recipe
3 cups All Purpose flour
1/2 cup white sugar
5 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup of butter
1 cup of dried fruit (I used cranberries)
1 egg, beaten (or two, according to my grandmother!)
1 cup milk.
Pre-heat the overn to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, and salt, and then rub in the butter, so the misture resembles breadcrumbs. Mix in the sugar and dried fruit. Then mix the egg(s) and the milk into the dry ingredients, until the misture forms a dough.
Turn the dough out onto a floured surfsce and knead it – just a little – and then flatten it until the dough is a 1/2 inch thick. Cut into wedges, or rounds and place on a greased baking sheet.
Bake in the pre-heated overn for 15 minutes, or until golden brown.
Serve warm, with butter and delicious raspberry jam ( recipe for freezer jam in next post!). Add a mug of tea and a good book and settle down for a short while of absolute bliss.
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